Amazon’s Creator Connections Program


February, 2023


Amazon Influencers
Influencer Marketing
Amazon Marketplace

Influencer marketing is so hot right now that even Amazon can’t resist but get in on the action. From launching the Amazon influencer program to encouraging influencers to go live with Amazon Live, Amazon is laser-focused on giving the creator economy a boost.

Amazon, in its efforts to help third-party sellers on the platform increase their sales and establish their dominance with influencer marketing, has launched a new program called the Creator Connections Program.” 

If you’re a third-party seller and are wondering why you can’t access this program in your Amazon Seller Central, then let us assure you that it’s still in Closed-Beta Mode and has only been rolled out to a select few sellers. 

What is Amazon’s Creator Connections program all about? 

Throughout this blog post, we’ll talk about:

  • What is the Amazon Creator Connections Program?
  • How to Access the Creator Connections Program in Your Amazon Seller Central Account

We’re so excited to share this information with you.

So, without further ado, let’s dive straight in.

What is the Amazon Creator Connections Program?

Looking forward to connecting with a beauty influencer to promote your beauty products on Amazon? Or maybe you sell tech products and want an Amazon tech influencer to help you out? With the Amazon Creator Connections Program, brands can tap into Amazon Associates to connect with leading creators. All they need to do is submit a request with basic information like:

  • Request Name
  • Message to the Creator (Here, they can add all relevant information related to the campaign like Campaign Overview, Campaign Goals, Key Talking Points, Things to Avoid, and more)
  • Add Any Additional Disclosures
  • Set the Campaign Start & End Date
  • Set the Number of Creators they Want to Work With
  • Add Creator Interests
  • Set Max Campaign Budget & Commission Rate
  • Add Products to Promote

Up until now, it has been really hard for third-party sellers to connect with the right creators. It’s just a lot of work. But the Amazon Creator Connections Program makes it simpler for brands to connect with the right Amazon Influencers.

It doesn’t matter what you sell on Amazon, this program will help you connect with influencers with the right interest, helping you boost your campaign straight. 

Amazon gives a commission of anywhere between 1% and 10% to the creators – the commission rate depends on the product category; it’s high for electronic or other high-ticket items. On top of this, Amazon also allows brands to add their own commission rates. This means – if Amazon is paying an influencer a 5% commission rate and if the brand decides to incentivize the influencer with a 10% commission rate, then the total commission that the influencer will receive is 15%.

It’s game-changing.

While this new feature is game-changing, there’s not much Amazon has revealed about this. Also, a big problem brands face is – they don’t have the option to review the content created by the creators – which may lead to brand safety concerns. However, the program is still in closed-beta mode and we’ll get more information on this as we go. 

If you are eligible and would like to access the Amazon Creator Connections Program, allow us to help you out. Let’s understand how sellers can access the Creator Connections Program.

How to Access the Creator Connections Program in
Your Amazon Seller Central Account

As of this writing, Amazon’s Creator Connections Program is in Closed-Beta Mode and available to a select few eligible sellers based in the US. This program will later be rolled out globally but for now, it’s only available to sellers with US Seller Central.

Also, it’s important to be registered with Amazon Brand Registry to access this program. And you need to own a private label brand. While Amazon hasn’t rolled out any official eligibility criteria, but as they do, we’ll keep you updated.

Follow these steps to access the Creator Connections Program in your Amazon Seller Central Account:

Step I – You can locate the tool under “Advertising” in your Seller Central Account. If you see “Creator Connections,” this means you are eligible to tap into this program; otherwise not. Click on “Creator Connections” to launch Amazon’s Creator Connections tool.

Step II – You’ll be taken to the Creator Connections dashboard. You can create a new request for a campaign from your dashboard itself using the “Create Request” option. You can also view your past requests from here as well.


Amazon, in its efforts to help third-party sellers on the platform increase their sales and establish their dominance with influencer marketing, has launched a new program called the “Creator Connections Program.” 

Step III – Now, you’ll be asked to submit the following information:

  • Request Name
  • Message to the Creator 
  • Additional Disclosures
  • Campaign Start & End Date
  • Number of Creators You Want to Work With – you can work with only up to 50.
  • Creator Interests
  • Max Campaign Budget & Commission Rate
  • Products to Promote


Amazon, in its efforts to help third-party sellers on the platform increase their sales and establish their dominance with influencer marketing, has launched a new program called the “Creator Connections Program.” 

Step IV – Once you fill all of it out, click on “Send Request” to submit your request. 

Step V – Now, you’ll see a tab with “Requests” and “Creators” tabs. In the “Requests” tab, you can see the requests you have sent out and their status. Under the “Creators” tab, you can explore different creators to work with. You can use the filters to find influencers who are the right fit for your brand. Creators can also add their rate card – where they can display information like how much they charge for an Instagram post, or TikTok video, or their minimum commission rate.

Amazon, in its efforts to help third-party sellers on the platform increase their sales and establish their dominance with influencer marketing, has launched a new program called the “Creator Connections Program.” 

You can have a look at this information and shortlist the creators you’d like to work with.

That’s How Amazon’s Creator Connections Program Works!

Launching this program is Amazon’s next step towards boosting the creator economy. Just like this, we expect many more updates from Amazon – as they seem genuinely invested in the influencer marketing space. 

If you have access to the closed beta, you should definitely give it a try. And if you’d like a group of strategic experts to smartly manage your Amazon influencer marketing campaign, we’d love nothing more than to help you out. With years of experience and expertise in Amazon influencer marketing, we’ve been helping Amazon sellers increase their sales and build brand awareness at a minimum cost.

Learn more about our process today!

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Amazon, in its efforts to help third-party sellers on the platform increase their sales and establish their dominance with influencer marketing, has launched a new program called the “Creator Connections Program.” 

By William Gasner

CMO at Stack Influence

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We are here to make things so much easier for you. At Stack Influence, we believe in helping Amazon store owners skyrocket their sales and grow their online store by collaborating with the right micro-influencers. Our mission is to facilitate growth in marketplace rankings, asset development, and increasing brand trust.

We allow eCommerce store owners to tap into our rich micro-influencer database, allowing them to reach out to the right set of audience efficiently.

Also, you can tap into the power of our platform to raise brand awareness, boost online traffic, build long-lasting relationships, and establish a strong online presence. We will help you find the right Amazon micro-influencer fit and build a highly converting influencer marketing campaign. 

Click HERE to enter the realm of Stack Influence. 

Whether you want to launch or scale your Amazon store, you can take your business to heights by collaborating with the right micro-influencers and setting influencer marketing campaigns the smart way.

And we’d love nothing more than helping you align your campaigns with your business goals.

Hire stack influence community today.

Amazon, in its efforts to help third-party sellers on the platform increase their sales and establish their dominance with influencer marketing, has launched a new program called the “Creator Connections Program.” 

By William Gasner

CMO at Stack Influence

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Amazon, in its efforts to help third-party sellers on the platform increase their sales and establish their dominance with influencer marketing, has launched a new program called the “Creator Connections Program.” 


What are micro-influencers and
why they are the best influencers

Amazon, in its efforts to help third-party sellers on the platform increase their sales and establish their dominance with influencer marketing, has launched a new program called the “Creator Connections Program.” 


Amazon’s new influencer program is taking marketing to the next level

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Amazon, in its efforts to help third-party sellers on the platform increase their sales and establish their dominance with influencer marketing, has launched a new program called the “Creator Connections Program.” 

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