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listen to what our creators have to say
Click the video above to hear feedback from Creators about the Stack influence platform and why they chose our community over others. We know there are a lot of scams out there and want you to feel safe.
don’t just take our word
hear from our creators
Click the video below to hear feedback from Creators and why they chose our community over others. There’s are a lot of scams and we want you to feel safe.

do you have 100+ instagram followers?
All you need is an Instagram account with 100+ followers to join our microinfluencer community . You’ll get exclusive access to product testing opportunities every single month by becoming a Stack Influencer.
do you have 100+ instagram followers?
All you need is an Instagram account with 100+ followers to join our microinfluencer community . You’ll get exclusive access to product testing opportunities and non-profit campaigns by becoming a Stack Influencer.

do you have 100+ instagram followers?
All you need is an Instagram account with 100+ followers to join our microinfluencer community . You’ll get exclusive access to product testing opportunities and non-profit campaigns by becoming a Stack Influencer.
do you have 100+
instagram followers?
All you need is an Instagram account with 100+ followers to join our microinfluencer community . You’ll get exclusive access to product testing opportunities and non-profit campaigns by becoming a Stack Influencer.
Stack Influence featured in leading publications
have a product you want to promote?
collaborate with leading brands
We only work with the top eCommerce companies across the world that we know you would love. Build your influencer resume and enjoy products from your favorite brands.

collaborate with
leading brands
We only work with companies that we know you would love to collaborate with. Build your influencer resume and enjoy products from your favorite brands.

how our campaigns work
stack process
Our microinfluencer community process is as simple as choosing a product that aligns with your aesthetic, crafting some content based on your experience and posting your feedback with a picture to social media. That’s it!

why you should join
our stack community
In addition to receiving free products you love, Stack Influencers get access to exclusive social growth resources, our affiliate referral program to make recurring income, and opportunities for brand partnerships to build your influencer resume.

how our influencer
campaigns work
Our microinfluencer community process is as simple as choosing a product that aligns with your aesthetic, crafting some content based on your experience and posting your feedback with a picture to social. That’s it!

why you should join our stack community
In addition to receiving free products you love, Stack Influencers get access to exclusive social growth resources, our affiliate referral program to make recurring income, and opportunities for brand partnerships to build your influencer resume.

join our microinfluencer community today
stack up your influence
turning creativity into currency
our headquarters
111 NE 1st St, Miami, FL 33132
our contact info
[email protected]
stack up your influence
turning creativity into currency
our headquarters
111 NE 1st St, 8th Floor
Miami, FL 33132