How to Find Health and Wellness Influencers


October, 2024


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Introduction to How to Find Health and Wellness Influencers

Navigating the expansive world of health and wellness influencers can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it’s like finding the perfect fitness coach for your brand’s marathon to success. The journey begins with defining your goals—do you want to amplify brand visibility, drive sales, or educate the audience on health and wellness topics? Each objective may align with different types of influencers, from fitness gurus and nutrition experts to mindfulness advocates. 

Understanding your audience is just as crucial; it ensures that the influencers you engage resonate deeply with the demographics you aim to captivate. Whether you’re tapping into the vibrant energy of Instagram or the in-depth discussions on YouTube, selecting the right platform plays a pivotal role in how effectively your message is communicated. By strategically setting your goals, knowing your audience, and choosing the optimal social media playground, you’re setting the stage for a campaign that can thrive in the dynamic landscape of health and wellness influence.

Step 1: Define Your Goals

Before diving headfirst into the vast ocean of social media to find your perfect health and wellness influencer, let’s press pause and get our bearings. Identifying your goals and understanding your audience is akin to grabbing a map and compass; it’s essential for guiding your journey in the right direction. Here’s how you can do it:

Identifying Your Goals:

Every epic quest has a purpose. Are you seeking the fabled treasure of brand awareness, or is your quest one of driving sales towards the mythical land of Conversion? Perhaps, you aim to enlighten the masses with educational content about health and wellness. Setting clear, achievable goals is your first step on the path to success. Each goal you choose will influence the type of influencer you might partner with. For instance, a fitness model on Instagram might be perfect for showcasing your new line of activewear, while a nutritionist who blogs might better serve an educational campaign about healthy eating.

Furthermore, a goal without a measure is like a treasure map without X marking the spot. Use SMART goals—specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound—to give clarity and direction. If brand awareness is your holy grail, quantify it. Aim for specific metrics like a 20% increase in social media followers over 6 months or a 15% boost in website traffic from influencer posts.

Understanding Your Audience:

Now, let’s talk about the adventurers who’ll be joining you: your audience. Knowing whom you’re trying to reach is crucial. Are they the young and trendy Gen Zers scrolling through TikTok, or are they the Millennials seeking a balance between work and wellness? Perhaps they’re even older generations looking for health tips to age gracefully. Each demographic will have its preferences for content, its favored platforms, and its health and wellness goals.

It’s not just about age. Consider location, interests, lifestyle choices, and even challenges they face in their wellness journey. This detailed map of your audience will help you choose influencers who not only speak to but resonate with your potential customers. For example, according to Hootsuite, 70% of shoppers look to Instagram for their next purchase. highlighting the potential reach and influence available there. Moreover, As of 2024, there are more than 510 million people following the hashtag #fitness, according to Dash Hudson hinting at the powerful sway these influencers have over their audience’s purchasing decisions 

With goals as your north star and a clear understanding of your audience terrain, you’re now well-equipped to embark on your quest for the right health and wellness influencer. Remember, choosing the right influencer is not just about the size of their following—it’s about finding someone who embodies your brand’s values and can authentically engage the audience you aim to captivate.

Step 2: Choose Your Social Media Platform

Alright, you’ve got your goals in your pocket and a clear picture of your audience in your mind. Now it’s time to choose your battlefield – or in less dramatic terms, decide which social media platform will be the stage for your influencer campaign.

The social media world is like a bustling bazaar, each corner offering different experiences and attracting distinct crowds. Where you set up shop (or launch your campaign) should depend heavily on where your audience likes to hang out.

Let’s break down some popular platforms:


Imagine a colorful tapestry of images and stories that’s Instagram for you. As of August 2024, Instagram has 2 billion monthly active users (MAUs) globally according to Backlinko. It’s a visual feast with a strong engagement rate. It’s a top spot for influencers, especially in lifestyle, fashion, and yes, health and wellness. The ‘gram is notorious for its #fitspiration and delectable #foodie posts. If your target audience appreciates a visual journey and quick engaging content like Stories, this could be your golden goose.


If your campaign involves in-depth content like workouts or cooking tutorials, consider YouTube – the grand library of video content. YouTube has over 2.49 billion according to SEO.AI, a platform that can offer your brand a chance to create more extensive, informative content. YouTube influencers tend to get viewers who are in it for the longer haul. So, if you’re keen on detailed product reviews or deep dives into health topics, YouTube’s influencers can be your trusted scholars.


TikTok, ah, the zesty newcomer that’s taken the social media world by storm. Quick, catchy, and creative is the name of the game hereTikTok has 1.04 billion monthly active users worldwide according to Backlinko. It’s perfect for virality but requires content that’s on-beat with current trends and music. This platform is particularly beloved by the younger crowds, especially Gen Z. If you want your brand to ride the wave of the latest dance challenge while promoting your health products – TikTok’s short and snappy content is the way to groove.


The seasoned veteran of social media, according to Backlinko Facebook has over 3.049 billion monthly active users, and can’t be ignored. It’s a melting pot, great for reaching a broad and diverse audience, including the older generations who have made this platform their digital home. Facebook also boasts detailed targeting capabilities, ideal for a specific niche audience.


Short, sweet, and to the point – that’s Twitter for you. With character limits, it’s all about snappy engagement. News, quick updates, and viral content do well here. It’s also a great platform for customer service and real-time engagement with users.

Remember, each platform has its currency: likes, shares, comments, views, or tweets. Influencers have different strengths on each platform, so choose the one where they can make the most valuable transactions with your audience.

Once you’ve figured out where your health and wellness tribe congregates, you’ll be ready to find influencers who are the chiefs of those platforms. Influencers who can not only talk the talk but walk the walk with credibility and authenticity.

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Unlock the Power of Micro Influencers and Elevate your Brand Today!

Navigating the expansive world of health and wellness influencers can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it's like finding the perfect fitness coach for your brand's marathon to success. The journey begins with defining your goals—do you want to amplify brand visibility, drive sales, or educate the audience on health and wellness topics? Each objective may align with different types of influencers, from fitness gurus and nutrition experts to mindfulness advocates. 

Step 3: Learn Your Hashtags

Navigating the expansive world of health and wellness influencers can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it's like finding the perfect fitness coach for your brand's marathon to success. The journey begins with defining your goals—do you want to amplify brand visibility, drive sales, or educate the audience on health and wellness topics? Each objective may align with different types of influencers, from fitness gurus and nutrition experts to mindfulness advocates. 

Hashtags are not just trendy; they’re incredibly functional. They categorize content, making it easier for your audience to find posts about topics they care about. For instance, On average, Instagram hashtags receive 12.6% more engagement than posts without hashtags according to Wifi Talents. This statistic underlines why you shouldn’t overlook this aspect of your strategy.

Here’s how to get clever with hashtags:

  • Brand-Specific Hashtags: Create unique hashtags that relate to your brand or campaign. It makes tracking posts easier and builds a community around your brand. For example, if you’re launching a keto diet plan, something like #KetoWithKareem could gather all related posts in one neat package.
  • Trending Hashtags: Jump on the bandwagon of trending hashtags when they align with your content. It’s a way to ensure your posts remain relevant and visible in an ever-changing social media landscape. Tools like Hashtagify or Trendsmap can help you stay on top of trends.
  • Location-Based Hashtags: Especially useful for local businesses or events, location-based hashtags help you tap into a local audience. #YogaLA could be a way to connect with yoga enthusiasts in Los Angeles.

The Role of Keywords

While hashtags categorize mainly on social platforms, keywords are essential for all types of content, including blogs, videos, and tweets. They help improve SEO, ensuring that your content surfaces when potential customers search for related topics.

For example, if you’re in the health supplement business, keywords such as “natural health supplements” or “affordable protein powders” can help attract a highly targeted audience.

Tools and Tips to Master Hashtags and Keywords

Here are some tools and practices to make the most out of hashtags and keywords

  • Keyword Planner and Google Trends: These tools from Google can help you find words people are searching for around your topic. They’re essential for SEO and PPC campaigns.
  • Hashtagify: Allows you to discover the best hashtags to reach your audience. It also offers insights into hashtag popularity and trends.
  • RiteTag: Provides instant suggestions for hashtags based on real-time hashtag engagement.

Remember, using hashtags and keywords is not just about increasing reach—it’s about making the right connections that lead to engagements, and ultimately, conversions.

Getting smart with your hashtag and keyword strategy can significantly elevate the impact of your campaign. You want to be seen and heard, but more importantly, you want to ensure that it’s by the right people.

Step 4: Use an Influencer Marketing Platform

Influencer marketing platforms are kind of like the Amazon of influencer marketing; they’re one-stop-shops designed to make your life infinitely easier. These platforms help you locate, connect, and manage influencers within your niche without scrolling endlessly through social media or negotiating directly with every potential influencer.

Why Use an Influencer Marketing Platform?

Picture this: Instead of knocking on, say, fifty different doors (or sliding into DMs), you head to one hub where scores of influencers are not just accessible but also evaluable based on your specific needs.According to, 78% of marketers found that influencer marketing is an effective strategy

Let’s break down some perks:

  • Time Efficiency: Scouring the internet for influencers can be like searching for a needle in a haystack. Platforms often come with advanced search tools that make finding the right fit a breeze.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Some might think these platforms are an unnecessary expense. However, they often offer package deals that include tracking, analyzing, and payment processing, which could be more economical than managing these processes separately.
  • Scalability: Whether you’re looking to pilot a small project or roll out a massive campaign, these platforms can adjust to your scale with ease, offering you a wide range of influencers from micro to mega-influencers.
  • Analysis and Tracking: Most platforms offer robust analytics that help you see what’s working and what’s not. They provide insights into the reach, engagement, and ROI of your campaigns, so you can tweak and optimize.

Choosing the Right Platform

Micro-influencer marketing may be done easily and effectively with the help of Stack Influence, an influencer marketing platform. With a network of more than 10 million carefully selected influencers in a variety of areas, Stack Influence enables marketers to get in touch with regular contributors who may increase brand recognition, start conversations, and encourage word-of-mouth advertising. Consider using Stack Influence to find heath and wellness influencers for managed campaigns, targeted audiences, user-generated content, boosted sales and brand awareness growth.

Concluding Thoughts

Embracing an influencer marketing platform can streamline and simplify your influencer marketing efforts, letting you focus more on strategy and less on logistics. It’s about working smarter, not harder, to achieve your marketing goals.

Check out how these platforms can revolutionize your influencer campaigns, so you can stay ahead in the fast-moving digital marketing landscape.

Conclusion to How to Find Health and Wellness Influencers

In the pursuit of the right health and wellness influencers, the steps you take are as important as the goals you set. From pinpointing your audience’s preferences to choosing the best platform for your message, each phase is a building block towards a successful influencer partnership. By engaging influencers who not only share but also embody your brand’s values, you create authentic connections that can dramatically enhance your visibility and credibility in the health and wellness sphere. 

As you embark on this journey, remember that the effectiveness of your campaign hinges on a blend of strategic planning, keen audience insights, and creative collaboration. With these elements in place, you’re well-equipped to leverage the power of influencer marketing to elevate your brand and inspire a healthier, well-informed community.

micro-influencer platforms

Unlock the Power of Micro Influencers and Elevate your Brand Today!

Navigating the expansive world of health and wellness influencers can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it's like finding the perfect fitness coach for your brand's marathon to success. The journey begins with defining your goals—do you want to amplify brand visibility, drive sales, or educate the audience on health and wellness topics? Each objective may align with different types of influencers, from fitness gurus and nutrition experts to mindfulness advocates. 

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Navigating the expansive world of health and wellness influencers can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it's like finding the perfect fitness coach for your brand's marathon to success. The journey begins with defining your goals—do you want to amplify brand visibility, drive sales, or educate the audience on health and wellness topics? Each objective may align with different types of influencers, from fitness gurus and nutrition experts to mindfulness advocates. 

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© 2024 Stack Influence Inc