What makeup brands work with micro-influencers?


June, 2024


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Within the beauty industry, micro-influencers wield significant influence by connecting niche audiences with brands that resonate authentically.

From Gisou’s commitment to sustainability, Glossier’s community-driven approach, to Fenty Beauty’s trailblazing inclusivity, these brands exemplify how collaboration with micro-influencers amplifies brand presence and cultivates meaningful connections in the beauty industry.

Platforms like Stack Influence further enable partnerships, making influencers pivotal in shaping contemporary beauty trends.

Let’s explore these impactful beauty brands that deserve a spot on your radar…

Gisou is a renowned honey-based beauty brand, founded by Dutch-Iranian blogger Negin Mirsalehi and her fiancé Maurits Stibbe. The brand’s name, translating to “hair” in Persian, signifies its emphasis on hair care.

Building on a tradition dating back six generations, Gisou has integrated sustainable beekeeping practices into its products, sourcing honey and propolis from their own Mirsalehi bee garden.

Chief Beekeeper Negar Mirsalehi, daughter Cyra, and the whole family are deeply involved in the brand’s success. Negar, with an upbringing rooted in beekeeping introduced by her father, has passed down this legacy through the generations.

Gisou’s products, including shampoo, hair oil, and lip oil, are all made from honey and propolis harvested by Negar and her father from the family bee garden. The brand’s origin also pays homage to the family’s matriarch, who was a hairdresser known for her honey hair masks and DIY innovations.

The company’s commitment to sustainability extends to their beekeeping practices, ensuring the well-being of the bees and emphasizing organic and chemical-free cultivation. The Mirsalehi family’s dedication has led to the expansion of their beekeeping business, including plans to open another bee garden according to Teen Vogue.

Empowering women is fundamental to Gisou’s ethos, with Negin as the face of the brand, Negar and Cyra also playing key roles. Their story embodies the strength and capabilities of women, illustrating their impact on the beauty industry and beyond.

As the brand continues to thrive, it remains rooted in the family’s tradition, dedication to sustainable practices, and a deep appreciation for the natural world

Kosas Cosmetics is a renowned clean beauty brand founded by Sheena Yaitanes, a chemist and painter who combined her expertise in both fields to create a makeup line that enhances natural beauty.

The brand’s ethos is centered around effortless beauty and self-expression, offering a range of high-performance makeup products that are formulated with nourishing ingredients.

Sheena Yaitanes, the visionary behind Kosas, drew inspiration from her background as a chemist and knowledge of color theory as a painter to develop a line of makeup that marries science with art according to Forbes.

Her commitment to clean beauty is evident in the brand’s products, which are crafted without harmful chemicals and are cruelty-free.

Kosas Cosmetics is known for its innovative formulations that deliver skincare benefits alongside makeup, catering to the modern consumer who values both efficacy and safety in their beauty products.

The brand’s range includes products such as tinted face oil, weightless lip colors, and high-impact eyeshadows, all designed to enhance one’s natural features.

With a focus on inclusivity and diversity, Kosas aims to offer products that suit a wide range of skin tones and types, empowering individuals to embrace their unique beauty.

Sheena Yaitanes’ passion for creating clean, high-quality makeup has positioned Kosas as a leader in the clean beauty movement, setting new standards for transparency and performance in the cosmetics industry.

Glossier, established by Emily Weiss in 2014, has redefined the beauty industry landscape with its innovative approach to skincare and makeup. Inspired by Emily’s own journey as a beauty blogger, Glossier began as a digital-first brand that prioritized community feedback and engagement.

The brand’s philosophy revolves around the idea that beauty routines should be effortless yet effective, focusing on enhancing one’s natural features rather than masking them as noted by Wired.

From its inception, Glossier has placed a strong emphasis on customer interaction and inclusivity. Through direct-to-consumer feedback channels and active social media presence, Glossier has cultivated a loyal community of followers who feel intimately involved in the brand’s evolution.

This community-driven approach has not only shaped Glossier’s product development but also fostered a sense of belonging among its customers, who often participate in co-creating new products and campaigns.

Glossier’s success can be attributed to its ability to tap into the aspirations and desires of its audience. By leveraging social media platforms as more than just marketing tools, Glossier has transformed them into hubs for real-time feedback and conversation. This strategy not only drives product innovation but also strengthens customer loyalty by making customers feel heard and valued.

Emily Weiss’s vision for Glossier was to build a brand that goes beyond selling products; it’s about creating a lifestyle that empowers individuals to embrace their unique beauty.

This vision is evident in Glossier’s minimalist packaging, carefully curated product offerings, and commitment to transparency in ingredients and pricing.

Today, Glossier continues to evolve and expand its footprint in the beauty industry while staying true to its core values of authenticity, inclusivity, and community.

With each new product launch and marketing campaign, Glossier reinforces its position as a trailblazer in the beauty space, setting new standards for what it means to engage with and empower consumers globally.

Fenty Beauty, established by the globally acclaimed icon Rihanna in September 2017, has not only transformed the beauty industry but also reshaped perceptions of inclusivity and diversity within the realm of cosmetics.

Since its grand launch at Harvey Nichols in Knightsbridge, Fenty Beauty has captured the hearts of beauty enthusiasts worldwide. While Rihanna’s star power was undeniably a driving force behind the brand’s initial success, Fenty Beauty stands as a testament to more than just another celebrity-owned venture.

Breaking barriers that had long persisted in the beauty industry, Fenty Beauty’s introduction of an initially 40-strong foundation range (expanded to 50 shades later) marked a new era of inclusivity.

By embracing a wide spectrum of skin tones, Fenty Beauty defied the industry’s traditional adherence to Eurocentric beauty standards and ushered in a wave of change. The brand’s impactful marketing campaigns, centered around representation and diversity, gave rise to what is now recognized as the “Fenty Effect.”

This revolutionary impact has not only empowered individuals to embrace their unique beauty but has also spurred other beauty brands to broaden their shade ranges and rethink their approach to inclusivity as mentioned by Vogue UK.

Fenty Beauty’s unwavering commitment to offering high-quality formulations, coupled with its unapologetic celebration of diversity, has set an unparalleled standard in the beauty landscape. By challenging established norms and advocating for authentic representation, Fenty Beauty continues to be a trailblazer, inspiring a new generation of beauty brands to redefine beauty on their own terms.

In the realm of influencer marketing, Stack Influence serves as a pivotal platform that bridges the gap between budding micro-influencers and esteemed beauty brands.

With a keen focus on empowering influencers regardless of their follower count, Stack Influence opens doors for individuals eager to collaborate with top beauty brands.

By offering a seamless process where influencers can align themselves with products that resonate with their aesthetic, craft authentic content based on their experiences, and share feedback on social media, Stack Influence facilitates a direct avenue for micro-influencers to engage with reputable beauty companies.

The platform not only provides opportunities for influencers to receive coveted beauty products but also extends access to exclusive growth resources, affiliate programs for recurring income, and prospects for forging valuable brand partnerships.

Through Stack Influence, micro-influencers are presented with a vibrant community that nurtures their influencer journey and empowers them to establish meaningful connections with the beauty brands that align with their unique voice and style.


As the beauty industry evolves, the role of influencers with smaller audiences becomes increasingly pivotal in shaping trends and fostering authentic connections between brands and consumers.

Gisou, Kosas, Glossier, Fenty Beauty, and platforms like Stack Influence exemplify the transformative power of collaboration in this dynamic landscape. Each brand’s commitment to inclusivity, sustainability, and community engagement underscores the importance of aligning with values that resonate deeply with audiences.

For these influencers, partnerships offer not only a platform to showcase their creativity and expertise but also a pathway to contribute meaningfully to the industry’s ongoing narrative of empowerment and innovation.

By leveraging these opportunities, influencers with smaller audiences can continue to influence and inspire, driving forward a future where beauty is celebrated in all its diverse and authentic forms.

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